

학회장/편집위원장 프로필

학회장 소개 (Profile of President)


최양호 (Yang-Ho CHOI)

Professor, Division of Animal Science, Gyeongsang National University

  • - PhD and MSc: Nagoya university
  • - BSc: Gyeongsang National University
Research Interests
- Professor Choi's research interests include: First, the effect of feed ingredients on the quantitative and qualitative productivity of poultry. Second, how to improve egg and meat quality in poultry. Third, how to reduce stress in particular, high temperature stress, in poultry. To study these topics, various methods are used such as proteomic, genomic and metagenomic analyses.
Selected articles
- Goel A, Ncho CM, Choi YH. Regulation of gene expression in chickens by heat stress. J Anim Sci Biotechnol. 2021 Jan 11;12(1):11.
- Ncho CM, Goel A, Jeong CM, Youssouf M, Choi YH. In ovo injection of GABA can help body weight gain at hatch, increase chick weight to egg weight ratio, and improve broiler heat resistance. Animals. 2021 May 11;11(5):1364.
- Kim HS, Kim J, Kim J, Choi YH. Characterization of differential gene expression of broiler chicken to thermal stress in discrete developmental stages. Anim Cells Syst. 2022 Apr 5;26(2):62-69.
- Gupta V, Ncho CM, Goel A, Jeong CM, Choi YH. Effects of in ovo injection of α-ketoglutaric acid on hatchability, growth, plasma metabolites, and antioxidant status of broilers. Antioxidants. 2022 Oct 25;11(11):2102.
- Goel A, Ncho CM, Kim BJ, Jeong CM, Gupta V, Jung JY, Ha SY, Yang JK, Choi YH. Dietary shredded steam-exploded pine particle supplementation as a strategy to mitigate chronic cyclic heat stress by modulating gut microbiota in broilers. Sci Rep. 2022 Nov 16;12(1):19704.
- Goel A, Ncho CM, Jeong CM, Gupta V, Jung JY, Ha SY, Yang JK, Choi YH. Dietary supplementation of solubles from shredded, steam-exploded pine particles modifies gut length and cecum microbiota in cyclic heat-stressed broilers. Poult Sci. 2023 Apr;102(4):102498.
- Ncho CM, Goel A, Gupta V, Jeong CM, Jung JY, Ha SY, Yang JK, Choi YH. Dietary supplementation of solubles from shredded, steam-exploded pine particles modulates cecal microbiome composition in broiler chickens. J Anim Sci Technol. 2023 Sep;65(5):971-988.
- Kwon BR, Wei B, Cha SY, Shang K, Zhang JF, Jang HK, Kang M (2021): Characterization of extended-spectrum
cephalosporin (ESC) resistance in Salmonella isolated from chicken and identification of high frequency transfer of blaCMY-2 gene harboring plasmid in vitro and in vivo. Animals, 11(6): 1-13.

편집위원장 소개 (Profile of Editor-in-Chief)

허정민 (Heo, Jung Min)
(충남대학교 동물자원과학부 교수, 농학박사)

-2003년2003년 충남대학교 축산학과 졸업

-2005년2005년 충남대학교 농학석사

-2012년2010년 머독대학교 동물영양학 박사

허정민 교수는 2003년 충남대학교에서 축산학사를 마쳤고, 2005년 동 대학교에서 농학석사를 취득하였다. 박사학위는 2010년 호주 머독대학교에서 취득하였으며, 학위논문의 주제는 “저수준 단백질을 이용한 이유자돈 설사 예방” 이었다. 이후, 캐나다 마니토바 대학교에서 3년간 (2010-2013) 박사후과정을 수행하였다. 이 과정 중 이유자돈 부터 육성돈 까지 영양과 장내 건강 간의 상관관계 구명에 관한 연구를 수행했다. 2013년에는 모교인 충남대학교 동물자원과학부에서 교수로 취임하였고, 2022부터는 충남대학교 교무부처장으로서도 역할을 하고 있다.

현재 주요 연구분야는 가금의 영양과 소화 생리이며, 이를 기반으로 가금 사료와 사양에서 영양적 요소와 환경적 요소를 조절하여 항생제를 대체하고자 하는 연구를 수행하고 있다. 아울러, 토종닭의 영양과 사양표준 등에 관한 연구도 수행중이다. 허정민 교수는 2023년 한국가금학회 편집위원장으로 활동하고 있다.

Dr. Heo obtained a Bachelor of Science (Animal Science) degree in 2003 and a Master’s in 2005, both from Chungnam National University, and a Ph.D. in 2010 from Murdoch University. His Ph.D. project investigated the Reducing the protein content in diets for weaner pigs to control post-weaning diarrhoea: physiological and metabolic responses of the gastrointestinal tract. Following this, Dr. Heo undertook post-doctoral studies in the Department of Animal Science at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada (2011-2013) where he worked on nutrition/gut health interactions in weaner to grower pigs. Dr. Heo returned to Chungnam National University in South Korea in 2013, and is currently a Professor in the Department of Animal Science and Biotechnology, and Vice-Dean of Academic Affairs.

Other major research interests presently are the nutrition and digestive physiology of chickens including broilers, laying hens and Korean native chickens. Other research interests encompass alternatives to antimicrobials in poultry diets, role of nutrition and the environment in modifying immune function and the gastrointestinal microbiota, feedstuff evaluation, and controlling enteric diseases in poultry without antimicrobials. Dr. Heo has been acting as the Editor-in-Chief of the Korean Journal of Poultry Science from 2023.

2024 한국가금학회 정기총회 및 학술발표회

일시 : 2024년 11월 7일(목) ~ 8일(금)

장소 : 경상국립대학교 GNU컨벤션센터

사전등록 : 2024.09.30.(월) ~ 10.31(목)

초록접수 : 2024.09.30.(월) ~ 10.21(월)





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